Nursery & Mothers Lounge
Open to infants, toddlers and two-year-olds (Birth to 36 months).
Both the nursery and the nursing mothers room have the service live streamed to it.
During the school year (Sept – May) the nursery is open and available during Sunday School and worship service.
During the summer, the nursery is open and available during the worship service, but not staffed during Sunday School.

The nursery ministry serves to facilitate worship for parents by allowing them to leave their infants and toddlers (up to three years) in a “well-cared-for” environment, where the children can enjoy a positive introduction to the church family and God’s love for them.

Mothers Lounge
We also have a nursing mothers room across the hall from the nursery where you can tend to your child in a private and quiet setting. The worship service is live-streamed into the room so you won’t have to miss anything.
Sunday School
Sunday School is offered during the school year.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Gretchen Clapper at or Children’s Sunday School Coordinator, Emily Watson at .

Kindergarten & 1st Grade
• Meets in room 102 (upper level)
Second & Third Grade
• Meets in room oo4 (lower level)
Fourth Grade
• Meets in room 015 (lower level)
Fifth & Sixth Grade
• Meets in room 009 (lower level)
Seventh & Eighth Grade
• Meets in JR. High room (lower level)
Ninth – Twelfth Grade
• Meets in High School Room (lower level)